Aggiornamento Insegnanti | |
Il progetto di formazione e aggiornamento degli insegnanti di scuola materna "Colore e Segni" con il Comune di Roma anni 98-99-2000 |
Anziani Attivi | |
Informanonni Portale dedicato agli anziani che nasce con l'intento di promuovere la socializzazione e la solidarietà tra le persone anziane e tra le diverse generazioni. Offre informazioni sui servizi destinati alla terza età. Notizie sui servizi sanitari e assistenziali, sulle agevolazioni, sulle iniziative culturali e sportive, sulle associazioni di volontariato, sul turismo, sugli eventi ed altro ancora! |
Pianetanonni Portale dedicato agli anziani… e perché no, anche agli adolescenti che decidono di condividere con i "nonni" questa avventura! Pianeta Nonni rappresenta un invito a viaggiare nel mare delle informazioni, delle curiosità e dei servizi telematici. |
IMPROGE The aim of the project is to promote the higher level of the participation of the older people in the working process and to help them keep in employment. The project will establish a trans-national network to encourage participation of the older people in education with the special focus on their special needs, with the following specific objectives: to transfer knowledge, methods and good practices for senior citizen education; to transfer experiences about the learning needs of senior citizens and strategies on how these needs can be met; to exchange experiences in developing strategies and methods for teachers, trainers and other adult education staff who work with senior citizens; to identify effective models on how to make use of the potential of senior citizens by contributing to the learning of others; to raise awareness on the senior citizens in the workplace as a concept focusing on increasing the employment and position of this disadvantaged group in the labour market; to promote in companies and society positive context of diversity meaning workplace that respects and includes a work environment that maximizes the potential of all employees; to share knowledge and experiences at a regional level and promote the development of new approaches in the field of training of older people. |
Qualità | |
European Quality Mark The project will develop a quality assurance system for lifelong learning providers and establish the results as a set of applicable choices for providers seeking to improve the quality of their provision and promote themselves as an accredited provider. The project will collect quality directed initiatives in VET in Europe and use the results to disseminate a commonly recognised quality mark for lifelong learning providers. Furthermore it aims to develop a commercially sustainable procedure for managing and awarding the quality mark and develop a cross sectoral network of service providers. |